Who I Am
Hello, Just a little about me. I am a new student going for my associates degree in Practical Business Management. I want to do something more with the skills i have learned throughout different occupations and experiences. I am glad to have the opportunity to learn again. It has been many years since i have been in school. I have learned some marketing skills when I worked at the old Harley-Davidson store in Albany. I really enjoyed that job and want to expand more on some ideas from what i learned there. I enjoy my family and traveling when i can. I also like to take photos. Here are a few from a recent trip and the very last is of a photo that won me a spot on the Majestic Oregon Calendar 2022.
here is a google link; https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS986US987&sxsrf=AOaemvLgwEDX_k9V8y59V623qiTLw3-1zw:1641931629124&source=univ&tbm=isch&q=majestic+oregon+calendar+2022&fir=QwFuof6JJ6r1gM%252C04chxzzcMU_-0M%252C_%253Bbp-9Z3EgU0DwmM%252C04chxzzcMU_-0M%252C_%253B1ubXy_TICTT90M%252CVHsLmQbto4j7hM%252C_%253BlWvvD5nkvxldmM%252C04chxzzcMU_-0M%252C_%253BzYdD3PKiOdlEIM%252C4TrFfTf_MNgiYM%252C_%253BJquGaRmxdcPNsM%252Cadge1AWPpXLW8M%252C_%253Bw9qhoH1c5Lr6nM%252CLlbg4WlyscUXAM%252C_%253B8ncZxS3nY_CkpM%252CK-yGpdRw3p2mpM%252C_%253B7n39eA_S4cX8EM%252CJw7qxNPsbOpzzM%252C_%253Bx1v5WLkN8Dl2NM%252CVHsLmQbto4j7hM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kTdfdfHl59_0i8pdJeMVuc-m5LnjA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy7f77v6r1AhVTPn0KHc1mBcMQ7Al6BAgtEBI&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25#imgrc=zYdD3PKiOdlEIM
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